writing resources

Writing Resources: Grammar Girl

This post contains affiliate links. As a writer, it’s only natural that I pay attention to the mechanics of my craft, which is why I’m always on the lookout for useful writing resources. When I discovered the Grammar Girl podcast, my interest in grammar piqued, and I started writing more consciously than ever before. Sure,…Read More

developmental editing

How Developmental Editing Improves Your Writing

We usually think of editing as a process that cleans up our grammar, spelling, punctuation, and sentence structure. But developmental editing is a little different. A developmental editor looks at the content and structure of a writing project, paying little (or no) heed to the mechanics of the language. Developmental edits are for projects that…Read More

writing tips read and write

The Only Two Writing Tips You’ll Ever Need: Read and Write

I love collecting writing tips. You never know when you’re going to stumble across a golden nugget of wisdom that will make your writing richer and more vibrant. One of the reasons I started this website was so that I could share the many valuable tips that I’ve collected over the years. I figure that…Read More

good grammar

Five Grammar Habits Every Writer Should Adopt

Can you imagine a nutritionist who eats exclusively at fast food restaurants? A personal trainer who never exercises? A writer who can’t be bothered with grammar, spelling, and punctuation? In most professions, best practices and tools of the trade are mandatory. If you want to be a lawyer, you must pass the Bar exam. If…Read More

good grammar

10 Reasons Writers Should Master Grammar

Each writer has a different perspective on how accurate grammar needs to be. Some are sticklers who insist on adhering to the highest standards of the literary order. Others are comfortable taking creative liberties and believe that breaking the rules is an art unto itself and a practice that should be embraced. Me? I’m somewhere…Read More

common writing mistakes

Eight Common Writing Mistakes

We all make mistakes in our writing. The most common mistake is the typo — a missing word, an extra punctuation mark, a misspelling, or some other minor error that is an oversight rather than a reflection of the writer’s skills (or lack thereof). A more serious kind of mistake is a deep flaw in…Read More

From Creative Writing to Creative Marketing: Interview with Wendy Burt-Thomas

Creative writing is hard work. You have to master the technical side of writing (know your grammar), deliver work that resonates with readers, and possess massive amounts of drive, ambition, and sheer determination. It can take months, even years, to write a book. Then you have to sell it — first to an agent, then…Read More

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