national grammar day

It’s National Grammar Day!

Sometimes being creative means breaking the rules. Like using sentence fragments. And starting a sentence with a conjunction. Or ending it with a preposition.

It’s been said a million times: you have to learn the rules before you break them.

Using good grammar may not make or break your writing career. In fact, if you get too attached to the rules of grammar, your writing might come off as uppity or old-fashioned, and readers will have a hard time relating.

However, learning the rules of grammar will only make your writing stronger and more professional, even if you don’t always apply those rules to what you write.

National Grammar Day

Grammar is a serious matter for many people. Teachers, editors, linguists, and other writing and publishing professionals have strong ties to proper grammar usage. I think it’s fantastic that there’s an entire day dedicated to recognizing and celebrating proper use of our language.

National Grammar Day is a day to “Speak well! Write well! And on March 4, march forth and spread the word. We want people to think about language and how it can be used best.”

Take some time today, in honor of good grammar, to visit the National Grammar Day website, which is a lot of fun and provides plenty of excellent tips and resources as well as articles about good grammar (and not-so-good grammar).

The Good Grammar People

National Grammar Day is hosted by The Society for the Promotion of Good Grammar SPOGG (update: link no longer active), which is “for pen-toters appalled by wanton displays of Bad English.”

SPOGG is for people who crave good, clean English — sentences cast well and punctuated correctly. It’s about clarity. And who knows how many of the world’s huge problems could be solved if we had a little more of that?

It’s free to join, and you get entertaining newsletters about grammar, so do check it out.

How will you celebrate National Grammar Day? Are there any good grammar resources that you’d like to recommend? Share your thoughts, knowledge, and suggestions in the comments.

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