nanowrimo 2008

NaNoWriMo: The biggest writing event in the world.

The time has come. At midnight tonight, tens of thousands of writers will embark on a challenge like no other — a writer’s marathon if ever there was one — each working to complete a 50,000-word novel is just thirty days.

That’s quite a feat!

Last year, over one hundred thousand people participated in NaNoWriMo (short for National Novel Writing Month), and this year the folks at the Office of Letters and Light (that’s Nano’s headquarters) have raised over $160,000 to keep NaNoWriMo free and available to writers all around the globe.

In fact, for our friends in other parts of the world, like Australia and New Zealand, NaNoWriMo is already underway. Are you ready to get in on the action? Can you handle a writing exercise that’s this big?

In Fact, It’s the Biggest Writing Exercise Ever!

If this event, which is probably the biggest writing exercise in history, appeals to the novelist in you, then head over to and sign up.

You’ll get access to the forums, NaNo mail, and you’ll benefit from the support system with writing buddies who are also participating. Visit Procrastination Station whenever your muse goes into hiding.  Subscribe to the official blog, and keep track of your word count using the handy dandy online widget.

Happy Noveling everyone, and Happy Halloween too!

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