101 Creative Writing Exercises

Win a free copy!

Have you been thinking about picking up a copy of 101 Creative Writing Exercises but haven’t gotten around to it yet?

Here’s your chance to get one for free.

It’s Writing Forward’s first official contest, and all you have to do to enter is write a haiku.

Three lucky winners will each get one copy (Kindle or paperback — winners’ choice) of my recently published book, 101 Creative Writing Exercises.

About the Book

101 Creative Writing Exercises takes you on an adventure through the world of creative writing. Explore different forms and genres by experimenting with fiction, poetry, and creative nonfiction. Discover effective writing concepts, tools, and techniques. Create projects you can publish. Ideal for new and experienced writers alike, this book will enlighten and inspire you with exciting new ideas.

The Rules

  • To enter, write a haiku and leave it as a comment on this post. As an alternative, you can write a six-word story.
  • When you fill out the comment form, make sure you enter a valid email address where I can reach you (your email address will not be published; only I can see it).
  • One entry per person.
  • In order to enter, you must be a resident of the U.S. or Canada.

That’s it! Easy as pie.

The contest will run for one week, so I’ll close the comments on this post at midnight Monday, March 19. Winners will be drawn using a random number generator and will be announced here and contacted privately by email. Winners who choose to receive a paperback copy of 101 Creative Writing Exercises will need to provide either an Amazon account or shipping address. Prizes will ship out before March 31st.

Good luck, and happy writing!

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