Creative writing prompts inspired by relationships

Creative writing prompts inspired by relationships.

Today’s post includes a selection of prompts from my book, 1200 Creative Writing Prompts. Enjoy!

There are many sources of inspiration in the universe but perhaps none as potent or pervasive as the people who inhabit it.

Naturally, we’re all greatly impacted by other people, so it stands to reason that our relationships with them would inspire, inform, and ultimately, appear in our writing.

Our relationships with other people affect us emotionally, intellectually, and spiritually. Some people fascinate us; others irritate us. Whether it’s a lover, child, friend, stranger, or nemesis, relationships can provide compelling and meaningful inspiration for our writing.

Writing Prompts

Today’s writing prompts are designed to help you think about the people who have impacted your life. You can use these prompts in any way that feels comfortable for you. Write a poem, a story, an essay, or a private journal entry. Let the words flow, and try to connect emotionally with whatever you’re writing.

  1. Some relationships aren’t simple enough to be classified as toxic or healthy. Writing about a complex relationship is, well, complex. Give it a shot.
  2. Every morning, the same customers show up at a quaint and cozy small-town diner. Some are great friends, some loathe each other, and some barely know each other. One day, a stranger comes to town and becomes a regular at the diner, shaking up old relationships and rivalries.
  3. One character is a thief. The other is a cop. If their relationship is going to succeed, someone’s going to have to give up their career. Who will it be?
  4. Has a total stranger ever helped you? Have you ever thought about all the people in this world you’ve never met but who have affected your life? Write a poem about strangers.
  5. Think of something important you’ve learned about human relationships, and write an article describing what you learned, how you learned it, and how it could benefit others.
  6. Do you have nieces or nephews? Tell your story of becoming an aunt or uncle. How did it change or affect your life?
  7. Tell the story of how you met your best friend or significant other.
  8. Write about your siblings. Describe their appearance, their personalities, and your relationship with them. If you don’t have siblings, write about why you would want them, or why you’re happy as an only child.
  9. Have you ever been close with your neighbors? Did you all get together regularly? Ever throw a block party? Tell the story of you and your neighbors forming a community of friendship (or rivalry).
  10. Write a story about two people who care deeply for each other but who, for whatever reasons, move on and away from each other.

Did you find these creative writing prompts helpful? Which did you choose? What did you write? Leave a comment, and keep writing!

Creative Writing Prompts

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