journal prompts

Get artistically inspired with these journal prompts.

We, the people of the arts, feed off each other.

A painter is inspired by a song. A musician is inspired by a novel. A photographer is inspired by a sculpture.

So we come full circle by inspiring one another.

Journal prompts are a useful tool for getting inspired. When you want to write but find yourself without any ideas, you might think your muse has gone MIA, but ideas abound. You need only look to the arts, where there is a whole world of inspiration waiting to move you (and your pen).

Journal Prompts Inspired By the Arts

These journal prompts get you thinking about the arts and entertainment from a fresh perspective. Instead of sitting back and taking it in, look for new ideas in the art that you experience. With these prompts, you can enjoy a session of journal writing while thinking about the broader community of artists.

  • Art is all around. You can purchase books packed with images of art. You can visit museums and galleries. You can simply surf the web in search of paintings and sculptures. Choose a piece of art that speaks to you and write about it. Describe the piece. How does it make you feel? What details give it power or make it captivating?
  • Music makes the world go round. Listen to your old favorites or explore some brand new music. Choose a song or album that you have a visceral response to. Maybe it makes you want to dance, laugh, or cry. Write about it. Is it soft and tender? Hard and brash? Hip and groovy? What moves you? The lyrics? The melody? The rhythm?
  • Film is one of the greatest forms of entertainment. The audience gets to sit back and snack on junk food while the movie plays and takes us on a wild ride through someone else’s life. We all have our favorite films. What are yours and why? What do you love most about them? The characters? The plot? The special effects?
  • Literature is a writer’s home. This is where we eat, sleep, and breathe. And where would we writers be today without our predecessors who, through their art, contributed to the literary canon and years of bestseller lists? Which novels or poets inspired you to become a writer? Which authors embody a voice that resonates in your soul? Which genres are you most drawn to?
  • Dance is one of the most under-appreciated art forms. Dancers are stuck somewhere between the arts and sports. But think about this: dancers get out there and do their thing and the only tools they possess are their own bodies. No pens or computers, no cameras, no paintbrushes, and no instruments. You can watch dance performances on TV, in music videos, or simply by searching through YouTube. Watch a few dance performances and then write about them. Discuss how the dance is tied to the music. Make observations about how the dancer brings the choreography to life. Compare dancing to writing. Are there similarities?

Have fun exploring these journal prompts, and keep writing!

Do you use journal prompts for your writing sessions? Do you have any favorite prompts or ideas for prompts? Share your thoughts by leaving a comment.

Creative Writing Prompts

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