101 best websites for writers 2012

Writing Forward named one of the 101 best websites for writers.

Every spring, Writer’s Digest publishes a list of the 101 best websites for writers.

It’s a huge honor for any website to make the list. Writer’s Digest is a highly respected publication. Every issue is filled with useful writing resources that cover everything from the craft to the business of writing.

Best of all, the magazine encompasses writers at all levels. Whether you’re just starting out or are already a successful, published author, you’ll find plenty of wisdom inside.

One of the most difficult chores for writers is sifting through the countless writing-related websites available in search of the gems that prove to be a valuable use of your time. That’s why, for more than a decade, we’ve been busy scouring the web for you, rummaging through every online resource imaginable to simplify your search and bring you the best of the best – Writer’s Digest May/June 2012 issue.

The list is jam-packed with websites that offer insight on every aspect of writing.

Writing Forward first made the list in 2009, and I’m thrilled to announce that we’ve done it again, selected as one of the best “from this year’s record-setting 4,350 nominations.” Wow!

Writing Forward was placed in the writing-advice category, and it’s an incredible honor to be recommended by such a prestigious publication and listed among such excellent writing-related websites.

Welcome, Writer’s Digest Readers!

It’s privilege to welcome the readers of Writer’s Digest to Writing Forward. I hope you will all find value here as well as inspiration for your writing endeavors. I encourage you to participate by sharing your thoughts in the comments.

Thank You!

I want to give special thanks to Dani of Positively Present – for alerting me to the good news, for being a supportive friend of Writing Forward over the past few years, and for tons of great posts on staying positive.

Finally, to all of you writers who have subscribed, commented, emailed, shared our posts on Twitter, Facebook, and other social media sites: your participation, feedback, and suggestions keep me going. Without you, none of this would be possible. I thank you all from the bottom of my heart.

Subscribe to Writer’s Digest

writers digest

For less than $20, you can get eight issues of Writer’s Digest packed with insightful writing tips, advice for getting published, and tips for working as a freelance writer. This magazine covers everything from the writing process to marketing your work.

Some of the best-loved and most respected authors in the world have been featured in Writer’s Digest. Plus, the magazine accepts submissions and pays writers quite well for any work they accept for publication. Subscribe to Writer’s Digest today (aff link).

Now, let’s get back to writing.

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